The Philippine Loop is an incredible motorcycle adventure that spans the entire Philippines, covering thousands of kilometers and showcasing the country’s diverse landscapes, culture, and attractions. This journey offers riders a unique opportunity to experience the beauty and hospitality of the Philippines, making it a popular adventure for those seeking an unforgettable experience.

23-Day Journey Highlights

After 23 days of exploring the stunning scenery and vibrant culture of the Philippines, the participants of the Philippine Loop Adventure Tour 2024 from the Motormate Group have finally returned. The homecoming event was a collaborative effort between the corporate marketing team of Motormate and CDO 2 Cycles, held at Revzone, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City, where the loopers initially set off.

Homecoming Celebration

The atmosphere at Revzone was filled with excitement and anticipation as everyone eagerly awaited the arrival of the loopers. Supporters gathered outside, waving balloons and showing their enthusiastic support.

  • Celebratory Arrival: Upon arrival, the loopers were welcomed with cheers. One of the loopers led the celebration by opening a bottle of Sparkling wine, marking the successful completion of their epic journey.
  • Rest and Activities: After a brief rest, the loopers participated in a short game and energizer organized by the CDO 2 Cycles Dancers.
  • Experience Sharing: The loopers shared their experiences from the ride, providing insights into their adventures and challenges along the way.

Awards and Recognition

In recognition of their remarkable achievement, the loopers were honored in an awards segment:

  • Finisher Certification: Each looper received a certificate acknowledging their completion of the 5,311-kilometer journey within 23 days.
  • Finisher Kit and T-shirt: Loopers were also presented with a Finisher Kit and a Finisher T-shirt to commemorate their accomplishment.

Social Dinner

The celebration concluded with a social dinner, allowing everyone to relax and enjoy a meal together with the loopers, sharing stories and celebrating their successful adventure.

Congratulations to our CEO on the Road Philippine Loopers 2024!

The Philippine Loop Adventure Tour 2024 was a testament to the spirit of adventure and the beauty of the Philippines. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the loopers for their incredible journey and thank everyone who supported and participated in this memorable event.